Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Romance Byte: Riptide

Author: Margaret Carroll
ISBN: 978-0061652776
Genre: Contemporary Suspense

She couldn't shake the feeling that snakes were slithering around her bare feet. She ran, leaving the relative shelter of the dunes behind, emerging onto the open expanse that was the strand.

Normally, the strand stretched forty feet, from the leading edge of the dune to the tide's edge.

Not tonight. Her feet landed in water just steps below the dune.

The waves shouldn't be breaking this close to shore

The wind and the rain made it too dark to see.

Breathing heavy, Christina retreated a few steps into the soft heavy sand at the base of the dune behind her.
The beach moved and groaned with shifting shadows and wind and bits of white flashing at the line of breakers, close by in the dark.

Too close.

Cold spray flew through the air, coating her face, stinging her eyes.

The beach was alive with sound and wind and blowing, twisting sand.

A shape emerged, looming large and dark.

Fear gripped the base of her neck and fired through her nerve endings like an electric current.

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