Saturday, June 13, 2015

Romance Book Review: Celia Kyle's Pailey

Author: Celia Kyle
Series Connection: Alpha Marked
ISBN-13: 9781680399967
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Werewolf Romance, Witch Romance, Menge Romance, Erotic Romance, BBW Romance

Purchase Link: Amazon

Paisley's story picks up where Lorelei's story ends while her sister's are meeting their mates at the Gathering, Paisley is kidnapped not knowing anything about werewolves and the magic she carries inside. Just when she thinks she's about to come to a disturbing end something blows up and when she realizes it was her own doing that is just the beginning of the story.

Coming to her rescue after she knocks out her captor are two hot looking werewolves, Hawkins and Chance. They have quite a story to tell her and while she is reunited with her sisters Paisley must come to terms with a whole world she doesn't know anything about and figure out why she was kidnapped in the first place.

I purchased this book a while back, but didn't get a chance to read it until just this week. First of all if you have missed the Alpha Marked series I would recommend you read it in order to keep up with who all the characters are and why these sisters and cousins find themselves in the middle of a werewolf war.

Once you get to Paisley's story you are in for a treat. So far my favorite, Paisley's story digs deeper in the personalities between the three chosen mates and pulls in a little more emotion than the other stories. Paisley comes to terms rather quickly with what is going on and I wish with the rest of what is going on she would have held off a bit longer, but otherwise the connection to the rest of the storyline works well.

Not that Celia Kyle has finished with the second set of sisters it will be interesting to see if she decides to go on with a new group of characters.

Thirty and single? Well, getcha butt to the Gathering! Wait… what? 

Paisley Twynham is over the whole werewolf thing. It’d been a shock to be magically kidnapped and plopped in the middle of a werewolf gathering. Then she got kidnapped a second time, had the crap beat out of her, escaped, and then met two men who are supposed to be her mates. Yup, all kinds of “over” the Gathering. Her only salvations are her sisters and… the two men she can’t help but drool over. Tall, muscular, sexy as hell, and for some reason, they want her fluffy ass. Maybe she doesn’t hate werewolves as much as she thought… 

Chance and Hawkins don’t quite have a solid Warden bond. Hawkins is holding back while Chance is slowly reaching the end of his patience after ten years of partnership. The only woman who might save them is Paisley. Seductive, curvaceous, vivacious Paisley Twynham. She’s their Warden Born mate and Chance refuses to let Hawkins’ past stand in the way of their future. 

But something else hides in their path that threatens to end their mating before it begins. Or rather, someone.

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