Monday, January 4, 2016

Romance Book Review: Claudy Conn's Quicksilver

Author: Claudy Conn
Series Connection: Hungry Moon
ISBN-13: 2940045999137
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Fantasy Romance
Publisher: Smashwords

Purchase Link: Amazon

Ravena's heart is broken when she catches her best friend with her boyfriend. She can do without the cheating boyfriend, but her best friend. She decides to go spend the summer with her father in Scotland, where she meets up with an old friend, Arthur, who asks for her help.

One of Arthur's family members is stuck in a alternate world and unless he can get him out, one of his evil relatives will inherit the family castle when Arthur dies. 

Quinn has been stuck in another world for 75 years with no way to get home. He keeps in touch with Arthur through a magic mirror. Arthur believes that Ravena has the magic within her to get him back, but can she? Ravena has done everything she can to be a normal as possible. She doesn't use her magic or any other secrets she's been born to. She knows just enough that her father and grandmother have taught her over the years, but is it enough to get the man she's falling in love with back before the dark magic takes over the white?

On first look this is a really good book with a few parts that are a little disturbing. For one, this isn't really a stand alone book. There is a HEA, so you could stop there, but why would you. 

I wasn't happy with the villain's last scene at all and would have changed that a bit. 

This book is from 2013 and is currently free on Amazon. A friend is fond of Claudy Conn's stories and sent the link my way to check her out. I think she's worth reading more. 

Ravena MacAllister doesn’t want to admit what she is. She wants to continue pretending she’s just human … only human, like her mother, like her friends. 

But she isn’t human. 

Heartbreak and betrayal send her off rushing to Scotland, to a familiar haven where she has spent so many summers with her father, but she soon discovers that everything has changed. 

From the moment she meets Quinn MacValdane, shock waves travel through him to her and back again, wrapping them in a tide of passion she had never dreamt possible. But if they are to have a future together, she must confront who and what she is, for she will need to call on the powers within her as she becomes embroiled in an adventure that will alter her life forever.

The time for pretending is over.

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