Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Romance Book Review: Davin's Quest

Author: Bianca D'Arc
Series Connection: Resonance Mates
ISBN: 1-60504-011-8
Genre: Sci-Fi


Bianca D'Arc continues with her Resonance Mates series bringing the readers forward 16 years. The O'Hara's daughter, Callie, is now full grown and she meets one of the Alvian aliens, Davin. Davin isn't like the other aliens who have taken over the planet Earth. He feels emotions that the other aliens do not and because of his differences he lives his life in danger from his own kind. Although he is basically an outcast, he is in a very high ranking position. Leaving his work base he travels to where the few humans still live in hopes of finding his true mate or risk going mad.

When he finds Callie, his Resonance Mate, she is too young for him, but just being able to communicate with her until she gets older is all he needs to keep his mind sane. Years go by and finally he has his chance to be with the mate he has fallen in love with.

In the mean time, human, Rick St. John, has been hiding out in the mountains with his father until the aliens come and hold him captive. He is sent to be experimented on with the rest of the humans that are captured. While being held in the underground prisons, he becomes a leader working for better treatment for the humans being held by the aliens.

When Rick meets Callie and Davin, Davin realizes that Rick is also Callie's Resonance mate. Can the three of them come to terms with what this means and at the same time stay one step ahead of the enemies who want to kill Davin?

This is a wonderfully originally written science fiction novel. I love Bianca's imagination and where it takes her in this love story. While this book has several well crafted erotic scenes, they're almost seem secondary to the story at large about the new world that is being created in the story. It is a good read with detailed characters and crafty story line.

Which man will Callie choose, the alien or the warrior? Or can she have both?

For each Alvian, there is one perfect match—a Resonance Mate whose soul blends in perfect harmony. Unlike the rest of his race, Davin has emotions and suffers for it. Without a mate, he is doomed to go mad. Searching for answers and understanding, he seeks out Callie O’Hara, a human woman with strong empathic gifts. Could this fragile human be his Resonance Mate?

Rick St. John is a tough-as-nails survivor of the Alvian occupation of Earth. He doesn’t believe in much, but when he sees Callie for the first time, he starts to believe in love at first sight.

The Governing Council is gunning for Davin, the upstart who dares to defy them. And they’ll kill anyone who gets in their way. Davin and Rick must come to terms with their feelings for Callie in order to keep her safe, while she has to find a way to save them both... with her love.

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