Monday, September 6, 2010

Romance Book Review: Fired Up

Authors: Vivian Arend and Celia Kyle
Series Connection: Strange Hollow

ISBN 978-1-59578-692-0
Genre: Paranormal/ Fae
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

After I reviewed Can't Bear It, the newest Strange Hollow book, one of the various authors from the series sent me this book because it seemed I missed it for review. I'm glad she sent it along because so far it is one of my favorites.

Strange Hollow is a series written by several Liquid Silver Books' authors. The premise behind the story is that one of the Fae Gods, Jacinda, has created a place for misfit supernaturals. Everyone who doesn't fit in with their own is welcome to come to Strange Hollow. During the series all forms of paranormals have to love in this town.

In Fired Up, Erich is turned away by his Firekin clan because he can't keep control of his fire magic. On the day he gets to Strange Hollow he meets an air Fae, Sarya, who takes care of the forest surrounding Strange Hollow. The two wind up having a lot in common and fall instantly for each other, but there is something hurting the forest and as an earthen Erich can feel all of the pain and suffering going on around him.

It isn't necessary to read each of the books to enjoy Fired Up.

Air, fire, earth … there’s a whole lot of shaking going on.

Erich’s earthquaking emotions and fiery temper were enough to get him kicked out of his clan. The folks in Strange Hollow don’t seem to care he’s not a proper firekin, and once he meets Sarya, he figures he just might be home. From the moment he spots the red-hot air Fae, Erich can’t wait to find out if the woman who looks like an angel has a devilish side.

Sarya’s calm but lonely existence in the Hollow is shaken to cataclysmic levels with Erich’s arrival. Not only does the earth move for Sarya when she’s with him, but her fire burns out of control. The sinful cowboy pushes all of her buttons and strokes her wings just right. She falls for the drawl, and not a thing can deter her from growing a little more in love with him as the days pass.

Problem is: something is suddenly threatening the forest and all signs point to Erich.

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